• Tegucigalpa, Honduras


    “Red de Respuesta Lésbica Cattrachas”

  • LGBT Community Center

    Become The Change
    You Want To See

    Details on the huge Calvin Sandoval celebration coming to Hillcrest on February 27, 2018

  • LGBT Community Center

    Become The Change
    You Want To See

    Details on the huge Calvin Sandoval celebration coming to Hillcrest on February 27, 2018

Senior Service

Tri-tip short loin andouille corned beef pork loin tri-tip.

Youth Service

Bresaola meatloaf tongue pastra pastrami chuck.

Family Service

Tail doner chicken bacon. Landja sausage alcatra bacon.

Legal Assistance

Pork sirloin corned beef landjaer brisket hamburger.

What is Diversify

The Center is committed to a policy of non-discrimination in employment and in the provision of all services.

The mission of The Diversify LGBT Community Center is to enhance and sustain the health and well-being of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and HIV communities by providing activities, programs and services that create community.Empower community members; provide essential resources; advocate for civil and human rights; and embrace, promote and support our cultural diversity. read more

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